lunedì 24 luglio 2017


di Charles Forsman
B+al, 208 pp, b/n 13,00€

James e Alyssa sono due adolescenti che vivono nella noia della provincia americana. La loro relazione e le loro paure sono simili a quelle di tanti altri ragazzi, ma presto la follia crescente di James, incapace di resistere ai suoi impulsi violenti, e l’amore cieco di Alyssa trascineranno la coppia in un vortice di crimini, inseguimenti e ribellione nichilista. La loro fuga li porterà a contatto con il lato più oscuro del mondo e di sé stessi. Un graphic novel on the road che racconta con un disegno crudo ed efficace e un perfetto senso del ritmo, le paure e la ricerca esistenziale degli adolescenti. TEOTFW, acclamato alla sua uscita nel 2013 tra i migliori graphic novel della scena indie, è ora una serie Channel 4 / Netflix con Alex Lawther (Black Mirror) e Jessica Barden (Ellen).


1 commento:

  1. Spectacular. I started watching on a whim when I saw the Netflix banner and got so caught up that it's suddenly 5:00 AM and I just finished the finale. This is a younger version of Bonnie and Clyde except PLOT TWIST the crime has a reason and one of the protagonists is a would-be sociopath who sets out to kill the other. The acting is brilliant, the characters are brilliant, there are lesbian police detectives whose lesbien-ness isn't the main focus of their characters. What more could I ask for? I'm sure that people are going to complain about the romanization of violence/crime/anarchy or whatever, but I would argue that this show does exactly the opposite. Everything has consequence in this tragic tale, from the young protagonists' actions to the adults whose mistakes have irreversibly damaged the lives of their children and the people around them. The End of the Fucking World The performances are stunning. I've only ever seen Alex Lawther in Black Mirror, but I look forward to his future projects. That dude has a long career ahead of him, and so does Jessica Barden. A side note: As someone in their late teens, its refreshing to see actors who actually LOOK like teens playing teens. Every other piece of media shows airbrushed adults in their mid twenties as the "average teen" and it gets exhausting (I can confirm that almost all of us look like baby eggs with faces, even as a freshman in college). This is dark, this is real, this is relevant, and this is beautiful. P.S. This is not a rigged Netflix review. I am ACTUALLY giving this 5 stars and I am writing it of my own volition. Peace out
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